Start United States USA — Art People are going nuts over this North Side mural

People are going nuts over this North Side mural


The Andersonville artist discovered opinions run deep over squirrels while painting an image of one of them on a building.
Forget about this country’s vicious political divide. Andersonville artist John Airo has learned just how aggressively split people are about something that might come across as nuts: squirrels.
He discovered this while painting a mural a few years ago of one of the bushy-tailed rodents on a shop on Montrose Avenue.
He says he’d hear from passersby, “I love squirrels, they’re so funny, so cute.”
“Then,” he says, “there were the haters.”
One time, a car spun by, and one of the young men inside hollered at Airo: “F— squirrels!”
“I was looking for a text message, figuring it was someone I knew” joking around, Airo says. But, “no one’s confessed to being the guy that yelled that.”
“It was mean, it was guttural.

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