Start United States USA — IT Did climate chaos cultivate or constrain 2023's greenery?

Did climate chaos cultivate or constrain 2023's greenery?


In the ongoing quest to track the progression of climate change, scientists frequently examine the state of our planet’s vegetation—forests, grasslands, agricultural lands, and beyond.
In the ongoing quest to track the progression of climate change, scientists frequently examine the state of our planet’s vegetation—forests, grasslands, agricultural lands, and beyond.
In a recent publication in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, a research team led by Academician Piao Shilong from the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University delved into the topic. The paper, titled „Vegetation Greenness in 2023,“ offers a detailed analysis of the interplay between vegetation greening and climate change.
The greening of vegetation is one of the most significant features of changes in the Earth’s biosphere during the modern period of climate warming. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, warming climate, and land use changes are the main drivers affecting global vegetation greening.

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