LAVA Yuva 5G launched in India at ₹9,499, the company’s latest 4G smartphone under the Yuva Series, featuring a glass back design, a 90 Hz display, a 50 MP
LAVA Yuva 5G launched in India at ₹9,499, the company’s latest 4G smartphone under the Yuva Series, featuring a glass back design, a 90 Hz display, a 50 MP primary camera, 5,000 mAh battery with 18W fast charging, and more.
The LAVA Yuva 5G is a budget smartphone powered by a 6nm UNISOC T750 octa-core SoC clocked up to 1.
United States
USA — IT LAVA Yuva 5G launched in India at ₹9,499, features glass back design,...