Start United States USA — mix The private sector is ditching DEI, but government can’t let go

The private sector is ditching DEI, but government can’t let go


Woke DEI policies are DIE-ing in corporations and even colleges — but not in Washington DC, as the Secret Service’s failures prove.
Is DEI DIE-ing?
We can hope. And with the sudden resignation Tuesday of disgraced former US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, it’s starting to look like it.
Like most leftist catchphrases, “DEI” — which stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion — is basically a lie.
“Diversity” is code for specified hiring and promotion quotas based on race, gender, sexuality and similar factors. In practice, it boils down to discrimination.
“Equity” sounds like “equality,” an idea Americans like, but it actually means the exact opposite.
Under “equity,” we don’t treat people equally but very explicitly treat them unequally in the name of “fair” outcomes — a term that means whatever the powers-that-be want it to mean at the moment.
As for “inclusion,” well, when was the last time you saw a “DEI advocate” demand the inclusion of Republicans, conservatives, Christians or white males?
They want to include everyone — except the people they don’t like.
For a while we were told that DEI was good for business, and good for encouraging people to get along.
But in fact there’s no evidence that corporate DEI efforts help the bottom line: The chief support for that notion was a McKinsey study that was, well, questionable.
Moreover, there’s considerable evidence on college campuses that DEI efforts increase racial division and prejudice, rather than reducing it.
Shockingly, calling attention to people’s differences, and handing out goodies based on those differences, doesn’t promote fellow-feeling.
Businesses and colleges are catching on: Microsoft recently laid off its DEI team, becoming the latest company to ditch woke policies.

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