Start United States USA — mix Trump’s Excellent History-Changing Populist Republican Convention

Trump’s Excellent History-Changing Populist Republican Convention


It was a remarkable week, destined for the history books on so many levels: The Republican National Convention of 2024.
It was a remarkable week, destined for the history books on so many levels: The Republican National Convention of 2024.
Six months earlier, the Democrats were salivating. They truly had mastered the “science” of political science. Judges in Maine and Colorado would keep Donald Trump off their state ballots, and that would start a tsunami of state judiciary rulings barring Trump from running. Beyond that, he would be tied up in so many court cases all over the place — from New York to Georgia to Florida to Washington, D.C. — that his head would be spinning, unable to discern up from down. He would be barred from competing even for his party’s nomination, and, if perchance he would be too stupid to realize he is all washed up, then his party’s leaders would consult internally, gather him for an intervention, and read him their riot act: “Sorry, we insist that you step aside. You had your time and your presidency, and now you have to face the music. Your train has left the station.” ( Trump Accepts Republican Presidential Nomination)
It was all so perfect, even better planned than Hillary’s criminally fraudulent Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Foolproof. Children would be reciting a new Mother Goose ditty for years to come:
Biden and Jill went up Capitol Hill
To prepare Trump for the slaughter.
On Jill’s way down, she secured her crown,
With Biden mumbling after.
It all was so perfect.
And then it wasn’t. The case in Manhattan was conducted with so much obvious legal corruption that, by the time it ended, the big news was not the pointless 34 felony convictions that will be overturned by the appellate courts summarily, whether on the state level or in the United States Supreme Court, but the record tens of millions of dollars raised by the Trump campaign in the aftermath of his lawfare martyrdom. In Georgia, the spotlight focused not on the case but on the clown of a district attorney who was engaged in an ongoing sexual tryst with another woman’s married man, and who had him filing for divorce and traveling with her around the world. And, oh yes, by the way, she had hired him at a huge pay level to take on an assignment for which he was in way over his head: prosecuting the former president of the United States now running for reelection. So that flopped. All eyes turned toward the D.C. and Florida cases, where a legal interloper was prosecuting the same president without proper authority.
Imagine you don’t like Joe Biden and happen to have a law degree. So you decide to google stuff, read the report of the Nancy Pelosi Jan. 6 committee, get a guy in the White House cabinet to OK you doing so, and then bring your own lawsuit against Biden on behalf of the American people. Huh? OK, let’s try it this way: You are 12 years old. You grab your Dad’s keys to the car and drive around. When Dad gets home and can’t find his car, he is about to call the cops, but you show up first. ( Want to Be a Rebel? Be a Conservative.)
“Were you driving my car?”
“Yes, Dad.”
“Are you out of your mind? You can’t do that. And you didn’t even ask first?”
“But I did ask for permission, Dad, before I took the keys.

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