OnePlus is now reportedly working on the next-generation Ace-branded models for the Chinese market. Over the weekend, tipster Digital Chat Station released a Weibo post to claim that the Ace 5 series of smartphones will be announced by the end of this year in China. The leak also suggested that the brand may announce two […]
OnePlus is now reportedly working on the next-generation Ace-branded models for the Chinese market. Over the weekend, tipster Digital Chat Station released a Weibo post to claim that the Ace 5 series of smartphones will be announced by the end of this year in China. The leak also suggested that the brand may announce two models, the OnePlus Ace 5 and the Ace 5 Pro.
United States
USA — IT OnePlus Ace 5 key specifications leak reveals Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, 6,200mah...