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Takeaways from the AP's review of Tim Walz's descriptions of his military record


Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years, rising through the enlisted ranks and receiving an honorable discharge
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years, rising through the enlisted ranks and receiving an honorable discharge. It is a record seen as one of his political strengths. Republicans are trying to turn it into a weakness.
They have seized on criticism from former National Guard members denouncing Walz, the Minnesota governor, for retiring from the military in 2005 to run for Congress shortly before his unit was deployed to Iraq and for overstating the rank he held after he left the service. They also have pointed to a comment Walz made that implied he had seen combat, when he had not.
It is a risky strategy for Republicans that invites comparison between Walz, with decades of military service, and former President Donald Trump, who received a series of deferments to avoid serving in Vietnam, including one attained with a physician’s letter stating he suffered from bone spurs in his feet.
Walz’s supporters reject such criticism as politically motivated and denigrating the sacrifices he and other troops have made. The Kamala Harris-Walz campaign has defended his record and says he is “a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform.”
The criticism stems not so much from Walz’s service record but from how he has characterized his time in uniform and how he ended his tenure.
An Associated Press review of Walz’s statements as a congressional candidate, congressman and governor shows Walz has toggled between being precise and careless about key details.

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