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Breakthrough in Biomedicine: Pioneering Nanostructure Assembly Technique Emerges


Indian researchers have developed a new method to create nanostructures for use in biomedicine and electronics. The process, known as supramolecular self-assembly, allows small molecules to organize into larger structures.
The field of nanotechnology has seen significant advancements in recent years, particularly in the realm of biomedicine and electronics. A team of Indian researchers from the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru, have developed a new method to create nanostructures for use in these fields. The process, known as supramolecular self-assembly, involves small molecules spontaneously organizing into larger, well-defined structures without external direction. This understanding is crucial for creating new organic materials that can be used to develop nanodevices, tiny machines useful for performing specific tasks at the molecular level.
The researchers explored the self-assembly behavior of specific molecules called chiral amphiphilic naphthalene diimide derivatives (NDI-L and NDI-D). They experimented with two different methods of assembling these molecules — solution-phase assembly and air-water interface assembly. The solution phase involved assembling molecules in a liquid solution, leading to the formation of spherical nanoparticles with unique optical properties. On the other hand, the air-water interface assembly involved the assembling of molecules at the boundary between air and water, resulting in the formation of flat, two-dimensional layers with irregular edges.

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