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Jenn's shocking 'Bachelorette' finale has Bachelor Nation reeling


We’re back in Hawaii for the dramatic conclusion to Jenn’s journey, and was it ever. We picked up with Jenn meeting up with her family. She was hoping they could help provide some clarity on which of the remaining men, Marcus or Devin, was right for her.
Jenn’s brother, friend Nicole, aunt, and mother were in Hawaii to meet her final two suitors. She admitted to her family that she said I love you to both, but only Devin has said it back so far. Jenn said at this point, her feelings towards the men are pretty equal.
Devin brought gifts for everyone, he looked like Santa Claus with all of the bags he had. Devin told them that Jenn lights up whenever she talks about them. He added that he grew up with a strong, single mother as well. Jenn said to them that that’s how they really started to connect.
Devin told Jenn’s mom and aunt that he never dated an Asian girl but he loves it, loves Jenn, and that it’s not about ethnicity for him. He was quick to tell them that he loves Jenn and that he has zero doubts about her. Jenn’s mother thanked Devin for loving Jenn. It was so sweet! He really drove the point home that he wants to be her rock and would find that responsibility to be „a blessing.“ He said that it would kill him to not be the one. He asked for their blessing, and they said that they would need more time because in their culture they take that time.
Jenn’s mom really pressed her on why she loves Devin. Jenn said that Devin unwaveringly loves her and wants to know all of her parts. Her mother was concerned that Devin didn’t know much about Vietnamese culture. Jenn said that Devin wants their future kids to know their culture and learn to speak Vietnamese. Her mother then told her that she needed more time to get to know Devin. Jenn tried to say that she shouldn’t worry because she would never marry someone she didn’t want to marry.
Dylan Jeremy and Jonathon were in the audience – and they told Jesse Palmer that they were there to give support to Jenn. What could be happening?
Jenn and her brother talked about her and Devin’s similar past with a single mom and strained relationship with their dads. Her brother said that he would support whatever she wanted to do. James said he could see how happy Jenn was with Devin. But – he wanted to grill him!
Devin told James that he was confident in their relationship. He said he never has to change anything about himself with Jenn and he’s never had that before. Devin admitted that he’s worried about the other guy that’s still involved. Devin also asked for her brother’s blessing and got shot down again. „I’m definitely not going to give my blessing now“, he said. James added he wanted to speak to the second guy first. He said it wasn’t because he didn’t like Devin, but he wanted to make sure he was doing the right thing for his sister.
Jenn told Devin to hold on and that she’d „never felt like this before and I love you.“ Except with Marcus maybe, who she said it to first. „Don’t get in your head, okay?“ Jenn said to Devin as he got in the SUV and drove away.
Here we go! Marcus‘ turn! I’m so nervous for him. James is worried that Jenn is falling yet again for another emotionally unavailable man. Marcus brought just one gift bag. He admitted that he was a bit nervous. Marcus shared how he and his siblings were put in foster care. He had two older sisters who were adopted out, and then he and his sister Gabby got adopted out eventually to another. Wow, to be split up like that is so sad. Marcus also shared his experience of nearly losing his life while serving his country.
James shared his appreciation with Marcus for sharing so much with his family about his past and how he knew that it wasn’t easy for him. Marcus said he wouldn’t do it unless he really cared for Jenn. He also admitted that he underestimated how important emotions are, especially because he had to block them while serving. Marcus said that Jenn makes him believe that taking the next step is possible. James thought that Marcus played „Ring Around the Rosy“ with his questions.
Marcus said that he believes that he can fall in love with Jenn, but he’s not there yet. He said he’s missing the feeling of „certainty.“ He started to cry as he spoke about it. He really wants to be that guy for her, but it seems like he’s under too much pressure. This seems to be way too fast for him. „The feelings I have for your daughter are real“, Marcus said. Jenn’s mom is worried that Marcus could hurt her in the long run.
Jenn told her brother that she feels Marcus is close to being in love with her, but he’s not there yet. She blames his past trauma. James told her that Marcus fits the mold of men from her past who are emotionally unavailable. „Marcus is a really good man who has good intentions, but it is a little concerning“, Jenn said. She hopes she knows where his heart is at. „How long are you willing to wait?“ James asked Jenn. „I’m not sure“, she said. James cried as he told his sister how he just wanted the best for her.
Jenn said her family said some things that were really hard to hear. She asked him, „How do you see this ending for us?“ Marcus said that he thought they made progress that day. „Where are you at with your feelings?“ Jenn pressed. „Are you not certain about me?“ Marcus said he doesn’t think it’s her, he thinks it’s the pressure to build the family that he never had. He hoped that him saying he’s getting there and his feelings are still growing could be „enough.

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