Start United States USA — mix Supreme Court ducks cases involving everything from abortion to Elon Musk

Supreme Court ducks cases involving everything from abortion to Elon Musk


The  justices also left in place a Michigan state constitutional amendment that barred the use of public funds for private schools.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to intervene in a bunch of controversial cases, leaving in place the decisions of the lower courts.
The high court let stand a Texas a decision by the ulta-conservative Fifth Circuit Court of appeals, which ruled that hospitals in Texas cannot be required to perform emergency abortions on women if doing so would violate Texas law. The Texas abortion law is one of the strictest in the country. Doctors have said it bans abortions that are needed to prevent sepsis, organ failure, and other serious threats to women’s health. Importantly, there were no noted Supreme Court dissents on Monday, suggesting that the court expects it will have to resolve a conflict on this issue between a similar law in Idaho, which protects the life, but not the health of the mother. In June, the court, which had heard arguments in the Idaho case, decided not to decide the issue for now, sending it back for a full hearing by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had temporarily blocked enforcement of the law.
The justices left in place a Michigan state constitutional amendment that barred the use of public funds for private schools. A group of parents who wanted to get public assistance for their children’s private school tuition challenged the constitutionality of the state law. They contended that although the law technically banned public money for all private schools, the burden fell primarily on parochial schools.

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