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Who Is Kamala Harris?


As the 2024 Democratic National Convention drew to a close, the question remained: “Who is Kamala Harris?”
As the 2024 Democratic National Convention drew to a close, the question remained: “Who is Kamala Harris?”
More than 150 million Americans will vote in November for the next president of the United States, the person who will lead the “Free World” for four years and act as commander-in-chief of our powerful nuclear-equipped military. They will be electing the person whose pen stroke will determine what those 150 million will pay to fill their cars at the pump, buy food, and heat their homes in the dead of winter. Their vote will decide whether some of their children will be raped or murdered — or both — by a repeat criminal felon released from custody without bail or by a chronically violent gang member who will have entered the United States illegally. Or whether they will flourish peacefully in safety, unaware that they lived because that repeat criminal felon remained incarcerated and that chronic violent gang member was barred from crossing into the United States.
Who is Kamala Harris?
Her identity is deliberately hidden. The Democrat strategy presents her as a taste of water. Whether the Harris glass is half full or half empty, it has no taste. This allows Democrats and Independents, especially suburban moms and the quasi-educated but not knowledgeable, to see her as they wish. In rabbinic legend, it is taught that Queen Esther, who hid her Jewish identity from her husband, King Ahasuerus, and the people of Persia, was loved by all because everyone attributed to her whatever characteristics they wished to find in their king’s new wife (Esther 2:10, 20). This is how Democrat strategists have handled Kamala.
Ask Harris voters: Why is she your candidate? They will say, “Because it is time we had an African American woman as president.” But neither her father, who was born in Jamaica, nor mother, who was from India, hail from African lineage. Even so, she knowingly falsely claimed at a Democrat candidates’ debate that she is African American.
“Her story is that of a president raised from the ignominy of slavery,” a Harris voter will say. But her paternal ancestor, Hamilton Brown, who emigrated from Ireland to Jamaica, was a prominent slave owner.
“Because she is tough on crime,” the voter will contend. But she responded to the George Floyd riots by urging people to donate to a group that indiscriminately bailed out violent prisoners, several of whom proceeded to rape or murder after their release. (They spent $350,000 to release Christopher Boswell, who was twice convicted of rape, faced ten more felony counts for rape and kidnaping, and was ultimately convicted of first-degree sexual assault and several other felonies, which accumulated to a sentence of twenty more years. George Howard also benefited from Harris’ care and empathy. A month after Harris’ favored group got him out, Howard murdered and was sentenced to ten more years.)
Tough on crime? When she was California’s attorney general, she overlooked prosecutors who lied under oath, attained false confessions, and withheld evidence. When she was San Francisco’s district attorney, she lacked the competence to oversee forensic drug laboratories, which handle and test cocaine, fentanyl, and other such controlled substances seized from criminals. These laboratories document for criminal courts the required evidence of the seized drugs’ precise weight and purity of composition. The severity of a drug crime and length of punishment are determined by those reports. Her incompetence required judges to overturn more than six hundred convictions and impacted 1,700 criminal cases.

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