Start United States USA — Science Peanut the Squirrel, beloved pet and internet sensation, euthanized after being seized...

Peanut the Squirrel, beloved pet and internet sensation, euthanized after being seized by NY state


The seven-year-old gray rescue squirrel, commonly referred to as “P’Nut” was put to death by the DEC, along with Fred the raccoon, so that the animals could be tested for the presence of rabies, according to a statement from the agency.
Peanut the Squirrel, of internet fame, has been euthanized after the pet was seized by New York state earlier this week, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation.
The seven-year-old gray rescue squirrel, commonly referred to as “P’Nut” on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, was put to death, along with Fred the raccoon, so that the animals could be tested for the presence of rabies, according to a statement from the agency obtained by WETM.
Peanut’s guardian Mark Longo took to Instagram to memorialize his beloved pet in a video.
Through tears Longo, with his girlfriend at his side, said, “Peanut was the best thing that ever happened to us.

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