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Assassin’s Creed Shadows sneakily tones down the mess players can make across Japan’s religious sites in its day one patch


Temple and shrines get indestructible tables and racks, and reduced potential for ‘unintended blood spill’
Even the rowdiest of samurai knows when and where to not make a mess, it seems. Accompanying its launch today, Ubisoft have rolled out a small initial patch for the hotly debated sneaky sandbox Assassin’s Creed Shadows. While some of the changes are obvious and important fixes (such as players no longer getting stuck inside movable objects), the full patch notes—provided to IGN—and not included in any other public facing fashion thus far include some unusual tweaks to limit the amount of havoc players can wreak on Japan’s historical sites of worship.
Specifically, the unique tables and racks used in the game’s temples and shrines have been rendered invulnerable. Some stuff within shrines can still be broken, but only generic objects like drums or bowls that appear elsewhere. Unarmed citizens also no longer bleed when hit, preventing potentially pot-stirring players from drenching those locations with gore and sharing the aftermath through the game’s photo mode. The full patch notes (as provided to IGN) are as follows:
Players no longer getting stuck inside movable objects after dodging forward and interacting with them in kofuns
Fix for procedural weapons being removed incorrectly when selling items
Adjustments to prevent players from going out of bounds when proning against objects
Improved horse navigation, reducing issues with turning and blocked paths
Lighting adjustments for cave, kofun, and architectural entrances/exits
Fixes for cloth clipping on Yasuke’s outfits (while riding) and Naoe’s outfits (while crouching)
Citizens without weapons no longer bleed when attacked, reducing unintended blood spill in temples/shrines
Tables and racks in temples/shrines are now indestructible (Some objects like drums or bowls can still be broken as they are generic ones present everywhere in the world) (Tables are still dynamic objects, so players can still move/push them).

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