Start GRASP/China US Bonds, Stocks Slump On China Trade Tensions & Trump Turmoil

US Bonds, Stocks Slump On China Trade Tensions & Trump Turmoil


Tiger… Tiger Woods wins for the first time since 2013. Never a doubt.
Tiger Woods wins for the first time since 2013.
Never a doubt.
China was closed overnight, but China stocks ETF in US shows weakness after China cancels trade talks…
European stocks sank – led by Spain and Italy – extending losses after Draghi discussed pulling away the punchbowl…
US futures show the initial reaction was lower on Sunday night, then as the US cash markets opened, S&P and Dow were dumped but Nasdaq was panic-bid (underperformer last week). S&P/Dow legged lower again on Rosenstein headlines then rebounded after headlines that Trump will meet him on Thursday…
Nasdaq managed to get green on the day as Trannies lagged – The Dow ended near the LoD…
Lots of M&A today but Sirius and Pandora ended the day red…
But both Randgold and Barrick ended the day green…
For a sense of today’s manic algo-buying, here are FANG stocks…opened gap down to last week’s lows then ramping almost 4% off those lows to erase all of last week’s losses…
Among the biggest losers were GE – which fell to 9-year lows on turbine woes and Iraq contract threats… (trading at the same price it traded at in Nov 1995)…
And finally, there’s Tilray, which fell back below $100 today…
Despite the equity selling, Treasury yields rose marginally on the day (not helped by a weak 2Y auction – lowest BtC since 2008)…
The 10Y Yield rose on the day to a new cycle closing high, but as the chart below shows, the last few days‘ ranges have been de minimus (as stocks have pumped and dumped)… (3.

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