Start United States USA — mix This Is How Many Times They Said ‘FBI’ During The Kavanaugh Hearings

This Is How Many Times They Said ‘FBI’ During The Kavanaugh Hearings


Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee kept pressing for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate the allegations brought forth from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford…
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee kept pressing for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate the allegations brought forth from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Brett Kavanaugh during the hearing on Friday.
In this video, Daily Caller News Foundation shows all the instances when Democrats called for an FBI investigation. DCNF also shows former Vice President Joe Biden explaining to his colleagues during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings that FBI investigations are inconclusive.
“The next person that refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn’t understand anything,” Biden said back in 1991.
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