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Cherokee Nation Doubles Down on Slamming Warren for DNA Test Distraction: Do Something ‘Useful’ Instead


Senator Warren’s DNA test results are being slammed by the Cherokee nation, saying that they „don’t think it’s useful.“
The Cherokee Nation is continuing to speak out against the controversy surrounding Senator Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test.
Monday, Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. released a statement slamming the test results. He claimed that the results were vague at best and he criticized Warren for her using them to prove a point, describing her actions as an insult to the American Indian tribe.
“Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong,” said Hoskin in a statement.
Inbox: Cherokee Nation responds to Senator Warren’s DNA test.
— Justin Wingerter (@JustinWingerter) October 15,2018
Hoskin spoke to CNN’s Jake Tapper about the statement and doubled down on his comments.
„It’s not particularly helpful to Indian country for this kind of debate to go back and forth. We have a lot of issues. We would rather the President of the United States and Sen. Warren focus in on things that affect us.“ – Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr.
— OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) October 16,2018
Hoskin stated that both Warren and Trump are at fault for making her ancestry such a huge issue, and asked the nation’s leaders to get back to worrying about real issues.
“What she’s doing is a response to what the President of the United States has said, and in Indian country we’re looking at Washington, D. C., and what we want is help, and we want leadership, it’s not helpful to Indian country for this kind of debate to go back and forth. We have a lot of issues. We would rather the President of the United States and Senator Warren focus in on things that affect us: housing, health care, clean air, clean water… We don’t think it’s useful to have them in a back and forth about DNA test, name-calling and that sort of thing.”
Many are saying that Warren releasing documents proves she is gearing up to run in 2020, but no official announcements have been made.

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