Start GRASP/Korea LAT Poll: Democrats Still Far Ahead in Congressional Races

LAT Poll: Democrats Still Far Ahead in Congressional Races


The latest LA Times generic congressional poll of likely voters shows that apparently nothing—not Brett Kavanaugh, not Jamal Khashoggi, not North Korea, not NAFTA—has changed…
The latest LA Times generic congressional poll of likely voters shows that apparently nothing—not Brett Kavanaugh, not Jamal Khashoggi, not North Korea, not NAFTA—has changed how we’re planning to vote this year:
Back in January, Democrats led in the LAT poll by about 12 points. Now it’s 13 points. That’s a little higher than other polls show, and if it holds up it’s great news for Democrats since it suggests a pretty heavy sweep of House races. Unfortunately, the Senate still looks like Republican territory, which means that Trump and Mitch McConnell are probably going to be able to continue their scorched-earth campaign of confirming corporate-friendly judges.

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