Start GRASP/China The Space Force Is Coming – Here’s Why the US Needs It

The Space Force Is Coming – Here’s Why the US Needs It


Under the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force, the Chinese have brought together their electronic warfare, network (cyber) warfare, and space warfare forces.
One of the issues that will face the new Congress is the creation of a new military service: the U. S. Space Force.
Recently, Vice President Mike Pence chaired the fourth meeting of the National Space Council. The council is comprised of key elements of the U. S. government that are involved with space, and includes not only the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretaries of state and defense, but also the secretaries of commerce, transportation, and homeland security, as well as the director of national intelligence, the director of the Office of Budget and Management, the head of NASA, and the national security and homeland security advisers.
The venue was significant — Roosevelt Hall at the National War College. Established in 1946, the National War College seeks to train the next generation of senior officers and national security civilians in the ways of grand strategy, including how to balance resources available against requirements. Thus, the announcement that the National Space Council would unanimously endorse the creation of the new Space Force was intended to send a strategic signal.
To this end, the vice president in his remarks specifically noted the six recommendations that would be made to President Donald Trump:
1. Creation of a new unified combatant command: the United States Space Command. This would elevate command of space operations to the level of U. S. Special Operations Command.
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2. Creation of a new organization, the Space Development Agency. This new agency will accelerate the development of new space capabilities.
3. Reorganizing the resulting bureaucracy, and laying out a path for rapid fielding of that new space technology.

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