Start United States USA — software Until Dawn studio Supermassive delivers on vow to do better with Shattered...

Until Dawn studio Supermassive delivers on vow to do better with Shattered State


Out now, Shattered State is the result of Supermassive’s first VR collaboration outside of Sony, appearing exclusively on Google’s Daydream platform.
Supermassive Games is bookending the year in VR in much better form than it started. The Until Dawn developer’s first two games of 2018, PSVR’s The Inpatient and Bravo Team, have all but been forgotten following an unexpectedly lukewarm reception that led the team to vow it will do better in the future. Rest assured; Shattered State is better.
Out now, Shattered State is the result of Supermassive’s first VR collaboration outside of Sony, this time appearing exclusively on Google’s Daydream platform. If you’ve been following Daydream’s exclusive output over the past few years you’ll know Google has been favoring more experimental VR experiences like So Let Us Melt to showcase its mobile ecosystem. Shattered State is very much a continuation of that trend; it’s a political thriller in which you’re not on the frontlines of conflict but instead behind a desk, calling the shots.
“This was an opportunity to take some of the learnings we got from The Inpatient in terms of VR storytelling, an opportunity to go into a new genre in terms of a political thriller, and the market’s very different,” Supermassive’s Simon Harris says of how the experience came to be. “When we’re building stuff for PlayStation VR, the PlayStation VR consumer has certain expectations. With something like Daydream, because it’s much more about people trying VR for the first time, there’s experimenting with new experiences. There’s a lot of things that are less ‘gamey’ for that sort of audience, so it was that perfect match.

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