Start United States USA — Events Afghan War Casualty Report: Dec. 21-27

Afghan War Casualty Report: Dec. 21-27


At least 37 pro-government forces and 48 civilians were killed in Afghanistan during the past week.
The following reports compile all significant security incidents confirmed by New York Times reporters throughout Afghanistan. It is necessarily incomplete as many local officials refuse to confirm casualty information. The toll here does not generally include claims of insurgents killed by the government, because of the difficulty of verifying such claims. Similarly, the reports do not include attacks on the government claimed by the Taliban. Both sides routinely inflate casualties of their opponents.
At least 37 pro-government forces and 48 civilians were killed in different attacks this week. Afghanistan saw a decrease in both Taliban attacks and pro-government-force casualties with the temperature dropping below zero during the night in most parts of the country. Civilians suffered the highest casualties this week when militants stormed Afghan government offices in Kabul after setting off a car bomb, killing at least 43 people.
[ Read the Afghan War Casualty Report from previous weeks .]
Dec. 27 Helmand Province: two police officers killed
Two police officers were killed in a Taliban attack in Greshk District.
Dec. 27 Kunduz Province: one police officer killed
A roadside mine exploded in Khan Abad District, killing one police officer and wounding three others.
Dec. 26 Faryab Province: six soldiers killed
A Taliban Red Unit attacked an Afghan army base in Almar District, killing six soldiers and wounding four others.

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