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Why Democrats may go hard left in 2020


First things first: The theme song of the week is the theme song to Saved by the Bell composed by Scott Gayle.
What’s the point: Potential 2020 Democratic contenders seem to be falling over themselves to be seen as the most progressive. This group includes those who were always very liberal such as Elizabeth Warren and those who were more moderate a decade ago like Kirsten Gillibrand.
This data indicates that moving to the left may not be such a bad idea if someone wants to win the nomination. Moreover, it’s not the only piece of data to suggest that Democratic voters think of themselves as far more liberal than they used to be.
This 2018 exit poll found that 27% of all voters identified as liberal. That’s the highest percentage since exit polls first asked about ideology. Among those who voted for a Democratic House candidate (this includes some independents), about 46% said they were liberal. When Democrats won a similar majority in the House in 2006, only about 33% of Democratic voters said they were liberal.

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