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Congress returns to Washington as longest government shutdown ever continues


Congress returns to Washington on Monday – the 24th day of the partial government shutdown – but there seems to be no end in sight…
Congress returns to Washington on Monday – the 24th day of the partial government shutdown – but there seems to be no end in sight for the impasse between President Trump and lawmakers over funding for a border wall.
The president who remained in Washington, DC, while Congress was adjourned for the weekend reached out to Democratic leaders House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer to return to the negotiating table.
“I’ve been waiting all weekend. Democrats must get to work now. Border must be secured!,” Trump wrote on Twitter.
“Nancy and Cryin’ Chuck can end the Shutdown in 15 minutes. At this point it has become their, and the Democrats, fault!,” he posted a few minutes later, employing the nickname he’s been using to describe Schumer during the shutdown talks.
He also mocked Democrats who attended a winter retreat in Puerto Rico over the weekend.
“‘Dems in Puerto Rico as Shutdown hits day 24.’ @foxandfriends,” Trump tweeted.
The partial shutdown has become the longest in US history after Trump and Congress hit an impasse over funding a wall Trump wants built on the southern border.

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