Start United States USA — mix Tuesday’s Mini-Report, 4.30.19

Tuesday’s Mini-Report, 4.30.19


Today’s edition of quick hits.
Today’s edition of quick hits:
* The crisis in Venezuela is intensifying: “Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó on Tuesday called for mass anti-government protests and military defections, announcing what he termed the ‘final phase’ in an operation attempting to remove President Nicolás Maduro from office.”
* Making matters a little worse for those seeking asylum: “President Trump on Monday ordered new restrictions on asylum seekers at the Mexican border – including application fees and work permit restraints – and directed that cases in the already clogged immigration courts be settled within 180 days.”
* Erik Prince: “Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Tuesday that he will make a criminal referral to the Justice Department for Blackwater founder Erik Prince, claiming that he lied to Congress.

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