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South Africa’s ruling party ANC wins reelection


President Cyril Ramaphosa will have to tackle corruption and the economy.
President Cyril Ramaphosa and his party, the African National Congress (ANC), have won reelection in South Africa, maintaining its control of government.
The ANC, which has led South Africa’s government since the fall of apartheid in 1994, wasexpected to prevail in these elections. But corruption and the country’s stagnant economy tested the party’s standing. In the end, it won slightly more than 57 percent of the vote — the first time in 25 years the party has failed to win at least 60 percent in national elections.
Even though the ANC still has no serious challengers — the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, came in second place with just 20 percent of the vote —itsdip in support is notable.
The ANC is unique in politics because of its history as the party of liberation in South Africa. The majority of black voters identify with the party, and it has dominated the political landscape since South Africa became a full democracy in 1994.
Yet the election indicates that a least a share of voters — which likely includes black South Africanvoters — may be losing some trust in the ANC.
South Africa’s 2019 election shaped up to be a referendum on Ramaphosa’s promise to clean up the government and his party, and deliver a “new dawn” for the country.
The 66-year-old leader came to power in February 2018 after the scandal-plagued former President Jacob Zuma was forced to resign.
Ramaphosa himself remains fairly popular, and campaigned on the anti-corruption message that he first embraced when he took office in 2018. That may have helped limit ANC’s losses, as South African voters appeared willing to give Ramaphosa a full five-year term to make good on his reform efforts.

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