Start United States USA — Political Republicans take a bite out of Trump’s trade war leverage

Republicans take a bite out of Trump’s trade war leverage


Senate Republicans are threatening to vote to cancel Trump’s proposed escalation of tariffs on goods imported from Mexico. A threat is just a threat, yes, but it also could limit Trump’s leverage in negotiating with Mexico.
Senate Republicans are threatening to give President Trump their biggest legislative rebuke to date: a vote to cancel his proposed escalating tariffs on goods imported from Mexico. The Washington Post reports that Senate Republicans believe they have a veto-proof majority to do that.
While a threat is often just a threat (my colleague Amber Phillips has detailed the various reasons this may never come to light), it’s worth emphasizing how much damage it could do to Trump’s efforts, even if it’s never carried out.
Republicans have thus far been willing to humor Trump about his trade wars. Few of them have ever been fans of tariffs, which party orthodoxy generally considers to be “taxes.” But they have largely balked at doing much of anything as Trump has ratcheted things up, given his sway with the base.
Trump has continually upped the ante, especially on China. And given that there seems to be no end in sight for his thirst for tariffs — he apparently believes his strategy is winningthe trade war with China — this was a conflict likely to come to a head sooner or later.

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