Start United States USA — Science Maryland Gov: You shouldn’t compare George Floyd with Freddie Gray

Maryland Gov: You shouldn’t compare George Floyd with Freddie Gray


Really? The similarities are rather hard to ignore
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is getting annoyed with the number of people (like yours truly) who have been drawing comparisons between the current wave of riots and arson following the death of George Floyd and the implosion of Baltimore in 2015 after Freddie Gray died in police custody. During an interview on Friday, Hogan appeared to bristle at the suggestion that the situations were comparable, offering some contrasts between the two cases. But aside from the dates and the locations involved, it’s tough to make much of an argument in favor of Hogan’s position. (CBS Baltimore)
The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis drew comparisons to the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, but Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said he doesn’t believe it’s a fair comparison.
“I don’t think it’s a fair comparison,” Hogan said on TODAY. “The evidence here seems overwhelming and clear to me and you have a video of exactly what happened. However, the situation on the ground is reminiscent somewhat of the actions that took place afterwards.”
Hogan said he’d only been governor for 90 days when the worst violence in 47 years broke out in Baltimore.
Hogan went on to say that he had called Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on Friday morning to offer him some advice based on Baltimore’s experiences during the 2015 Freddie Gray riots.

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