Start United States USA — Criminal Trump unleashes Twitter storm after Oregon protest death

Trump unleashes Twitter storm after Oregon protest death


The president retweets a post accusing Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler of ‚war crimes.‘
President Trump unleashed a tweetstorm about Portland, Oregon, early Sunday, hours after a man was killed there during clashes between Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter demonstrators. The president retweeted a post using a profanity to describe Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, suggesting only to “Tone down the language,” and others in which the original tweeters accused Wheeler, a Democrat, of “war crimes” and of having blood on his hands. Posts from a right-wing journalist that claimed to have “exclusive” knowledge of the Portland incident were also retweeted by the president. Portland has been the site of protests, often violent, for months, following the killing of George Floyd in late May. Another string of posts from Trump late Saturday night included one in which he shared a message from the conservative broadcaster One America News that called ongoing protests against racism in the U.

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