Start United States USA — Criminal Grand Jury Indicts St. Louis Couple Who Used Guns to Hold Off...

Grand Jury Indicts St. Louis Couple Who Used Guns to Hold Off Protesters


A grand jury indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey Tuesday on charges related to their June 28, 2020, use of guns to keep protesters away from …
A grand jury indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey Tuesday on charges related to their June 28, 2020, use of guns to keep protesters away from their home. KSDK reports that the grand jury indicted the McCloskeys on “exhibiting a weapon and tampering with evidence.” Breitbart News reported that Mark held an AR-15 and Patricia held a handgun on June 28, in hopes of deterring protesters from damaging their home or property. Video of the couple standing outside their home went viral: A couple has come out of their house and is pointing guns at protesters in their neighborhood #StLouis #lydakrewson pic.

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