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SNL takes on dueling Trump and Biden town halls in its cold open


SNL joked that the two town halls were like watching „a Hallmark movie and an alien autopsy.“
If the two town halls — one with President Donald Trump and one with Democratic nominee Joe Biden — on Thursday weren’t enough for you, October 17’s Saturday Night Live cold open reprised the action. And it threw in a WrestleMania-style folding chair and a bit of Bob Ross for good measure. The skit, called “Dueling Town Halls,” featured Mikey Day as ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and Kate McKinnon as NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, while Alec Baldwin and Jim Carrey reprised their roles as Trump and Biden, respectively. “We now present a rebroadcast of those town halls the way most Americans watched them,” a narrator intoned before opening on Day as Stephanopoulos. “Flipping back and forth, trying to decide between a Hallmark movie and an alien autopsy.” Day opened the skit by warning, “The vibe we’re going for tonight is ‘poorly attended college lecture,’” before an aviator-wearing Carrey appeared to make finger guns at the crowd. After a rambling Carrey answer ended with a vaccine-related math problem and an entreaty to “please, show your work,” the skit flipped over to McKinnon as she introduced herself as “surprise badass Savannah Guthrie.” “If you were angry at NBC for doing this town hall,” McKinnon says before teeing up questions about white supremacy and QAnon, “just let me get a few questions in and I think you’ll thank me.

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