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More Radeon RX 6700 Series Details Emerge For A Midrange Powerhouse


With the release of the Radeon RX 6800 Series behind us, we’re looking now at info on the unannounced Radeon RX 6700 Series!
The release of the AMD Radeon RX 6800 Series has come as of the past week, and as with most launches, time marches on. People are looking to the next thing they can try and maybe get a chance to actually purchase, and this time it’s the Radeon RX 6700 Series. If ‚Big Navi‘ was the Radeon RX 6800 Series, then we might end up referring to the RX 6700 Series as ‚Medium Navi‘ as we’re expected to see ‚Small Navi‘ come with whatever they call the Navi 23 lineup of GPUs. But, thanks to our good and reliable source Patrick Schur over on Twitter and expounded on by VideoCards, we now have a bit better of an idea of what to expect out of the upcoming Radeon RX 6700 Series of graphics cards, which should include the Radeon RX 6700 XT and the smaller Radeon RX 6700. AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT Overclocked To 2.8 GHz on LN2, Shatters 60K GPU Points in 3DMark Fire Strike Achieving New World Record Patrick lays out the details on the next installment of Radeon’s RDNA2 based graphics cards that will be coming to market, and they look quite promising when it comes to power consumption targets, and we now have a more clear picture of the memory they’ll be packing. These would be the cards designed to replace the existing Radeon RX 5700 Series.

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