Start United States USA — Art Are Boris Johnson’s theatrics cover for a Brexit deal or no deal?

Are Boris Johnson’s theatrics cover for a Brexit deal or no deal?


The Prime Minister’s EU trip could be designed to present a collapse in the talks as the fault of Europe, rather than the UK.
You are browsing in private mode. To enjoy all the benefits of our website LOG IN or Create an Account Is the UK government’s decision to remove the law-breaking clauses from the Internal Market Bill and the Taxation Bill the first stage in the great British climbdown? Michael Gove – the man in charge of the operational negotiations over how the Northern Ireland protocol will work in practice – has announced that talks have gone so well that the law-breaking clauses will not be needed, deal or no deal. There are two interpretations of what this means. The first is that by confirming the substance of Boris Johnson’s withdrawal agreement – that thicker regulatory border down the Irish Sea – the government is paving the way for concessions in the trade talks when the Prime Minister sits down to negotiate with EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

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