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14 people convicted for helping killers in 2015 Charlie Hebdo, kosher market attacks


Fifteen people were killed in the two attacks.
Almost six years after the deadly attack on the offices of satirical weekly and at a Jewish supermarket,14 people have been convicted by a Paris court for helping the three killers. During the trial, the court heard how brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi on January 7, 2015, and killed 11 people, including eight editorial staffers. As they fled the scene, the brothers killed a policeman who had been posted on guard outside after the publication received numerous threats related to its publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe the prophet’s likeness should not be displayed or published and many were offended. Two days later, Amedy Coulibaly, who had been in close contact with the Kouachi brothers, attacked the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Vincennes, a suburb at the edge of Paris. Coulibaly took shoppers and employees hostage, killing four men in a standoff that lasted several hours and ended with his death as police stormed the building.

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