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UK Mental Health Resources For Managing Lockdown 3


Whatever your situation, there’s help out there.
Health Whatever your situation, there’s help out there. Since late summer 2020, various parts of the UK have been going into and out of lockdown on a semi-regular basis. Most recently, in January 2021, England entered its third national lockdown, while Scotland imposed its own harsh restrictions continued lockdowns they introduced in late 2020. These lockdowns feel distinctly different to the first. While you may not be negotiating working from home or Zoom calls for the first time anymore, the days are darker and colder and you’ve had to sustain life under lockdown restrictions for almost ten months. That’s a long time to try and keep your spirits up. So, if you’re struggling, here are some mental health resources for the second lockdown. It’s now dark before the work day is over and not being able to meet up with and hug loved ones can have a serious effect on how you feel. Over the last eight months charities have highlighted the monumental mental health impact that COVID-19 is having The mental health charity Mind found that 60% of adults and over two thirds of young people (68%) have said their mental health has got worse in lockdown. If you’re struggling right now then know you’re not alone. There’s so many resources, helplines, and people there to listen. is a really reliable and straightforward website which can provide you with information on how different mental health conditions can manifest, as well as useful podcasts and videos to provide even more detail. They also have a whole section on COVID-19 which has tips for staying at home and what to do if you’re worried about a loved one. Mind is one of the leading mental health charities in the UK. Throughout the pandemic they’ve shared research about the mental health impact that lockdown has had and the things you can do to keep an eye on your wellbeing.

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