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Joe Biden needs to stop lying about the cause of the border crisis and start fixing it


President Joe Biden on Friday laid fresh blame for the border not-a-crisis (he insists) at the feet of his predecessor. Does he not …
President Joe Biden on Friday laid fresh blame for the border not-a-crisis (he insists) at the feet of his predecessor. Does he not realize that his nonstop lies on the issue undermine his credibility across the board? In an NBC interview, Biden complained he inherited “one god-awful mess at the border” from President Donald Trump, one made worse by “the failure to have a real transition — cooperation from the last administration, like every other administration has done.” Specifically, he claims, “We didn’t find out they had fired a whole lot of people, that they were understaffed considerably.” Huh? It’s near-impossible to fire a career federal employee, while political appointees always exit when the other party takes over the executive branch. Anyway, Trump was adding to the Border Patrol and other enforcement branches his whole time in office. The reality: Biden inherited a package of successful policies… that he immediately overturned. And Team Trump gave Team Biden a very public warning that doing so would bring chaos, so the core “transition” problem is on you, Joe.

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