Learn more about Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s CFO who is facing criminal charges.
Allen Weisselberg, 73, the chief financial officer for former President Donald Trump ‘s family business, the Trump Organization, may face criminal charges levied by the Manhattan district attorney. The district attorney’s office seems to have been accumulating information about Weisselberg for months in an attempt to gain his cooperation in larger case regarding Trump’s business dealings, according to The New York Times. The CFO is expected to be charged on Thursday July 1, via The Wall Street Journal. Here are five things that you should know about Weisselberg and the charges he’s facing. Weisselberg has been loyal to Trump for nearly 50 years. He began his career as an accountant for the former president’s dad Fred Trump’s company in 1973. Working his way up through the organization for years, Weisselberg was named CFO of Trump Hotel & Casino Resorts in 2000. Trump raved about Weisselberg in his 2004 book How To Get Rich. “Allen has been with me for 30 years and knows how to get things done,” Trump wrote. The charges being brought against Weisselberg stem from fringe benefits that Trump provided the CFO. Prosecutors have been investigating whether or not Weisselberg paid taxes on things like private school tuition, leased cars or apartments that Trump had given to him and his family as benefits, according to The New York Times.
United States
USA — Criminal Allen Weisselberg: 5 Things To Know About Trump Organization CFO Facing Criminal...