Start United States USA — mix China Reports Zero New Local COVID Cases Weeks After New Lockdowns as...

China Reports Zero New Local COVID Cases Weeks After New Lockdowns as US Cases Continue to Skyrocket


As hospitalized COVID-19 cases rise to record numbers in the US, the number of children being admitted has reached an all-time high as well, even before schools started…
On Monday, the Chinese National Health Commission (NHC) reported no new local cases of COVID-19, signaling that the country’s efforts over the past month to halt spread of the disease have been successful. Meanwhile, in the US, cases continue to rise at a rate comparable to the winter of 2020-2021, the worst period of the pandemic for the US thus far. China has vaccinated a higher percentage of its population against COVID-19 than the United States, but unlike the US, Beijing isn’t relying on vaccines to blunt the spread of the ultra-infective Delta variant, which can in some cases “break through” the vaccine and infect inoculated people. As Sputnik reported, Beijing quickly began limiting travel into and out of infected cities, and in places where multiple cases were detected, officials ordered residents home and implemented mass testing to track down all possible cases.

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