Start United States USA — Financial Here’s what to do if your home flooded during Ida.

Here’s what to do if your home flooded during Ida.


Answers to frequently-asked questions about cleanup and getting reimbursed for damaged possessions.
The remnants of Hurricane Ida and resulting flood on Wednesday dealt a blow to the greater New York region — claiming at least 46 lives, damaging property and rendering homes uninhabitable. Here are answers to five frequently-asked questions on home cleanup and more. How can I determine whether my home is safe to enter after a flood? According to the C.D.C.’s “ Re-entering your Flooded Home ” guide, you should have an electrician assess your home before re-entering. If you are set on re-entering, try to do it during the day to avoid the need for electricity, and do so carefully, as homes may have suffered structural damage. Ganesh Lallbachan, the owner of G&R Electrical Contractors in Queens, said that people should be particularly cautious if water reached the level of an electrical outlet. He advised the use of long rubber boots. If you smell natural or propane gas or hear a hissing noise, leave immediately and call the fire department.

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