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Halo Infinite multiplayer is getting a lot of tweaks after technical preview feedback


Halo Infinite is launching with completely free-to-play multiplayer, and 343 Industries is still tweaking the gameplay elements. The latest changes include bringing back legacy radar and more.
Halo Infinite’s free-to-play multiplayer portion had its first public test session last month, with Halo Insiders getting the opportunity to battle against AI bots and test out a large variety of guns. Now, with another technical preview now looming, developer 343 Industries has published a blog detailing what adjustments are being made to the multiplayer based on feedback. Get a quick summery of the major changes below. The motion tracker (radar) is being altered to function much like older Halo titles, making only crouch-walking invisible to it while all other forms of movement are displayed to enemies. In the technical preview, only sprinting showed up on the radar, making being blindsided a much more common affair. Another hot topic was the battle pass and progression systems, where players were irked regular play wouldn’t grant XP to advance levels, and only challenges would.

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