Start United States USA — Events Police reform talks fall apart after months of bipartisan negotiations in Congress

Police reform talks fall apart after months of bipartisan negotiations in Congress


Democrats and Republicans have failed to come to a police reform agreement after the loudest outcry in years over killings of Black Americans.
Police reform talks in Congress have fallen apart, as lawmakers could not strike a bipartisan deal despite the loudest calls in years to root out law enforcement violence against Black Americans. „After months of exhausting every possible pathway to a bipartisan deal, it remains out of reach right now, even after working collaboratively with and securing the support of policing groups like the Fraternal Order of Police and International Association of Chiefs of Police for our proposals,“ Sen. Cory Booker, a New Jersey Democrat who joined in reform talks for months, said in a statement. „Unfortunately, even with this law enforcement support and further compromises we offered, there was still too wide a gulf with our negotiating partners and we faced significant obstacles to securing a bipartisan deal,“ he continued.

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