Start United States USA — software US Dept. of State Offers $15M Reward for DarkSide Ransomware Information

US Dept. of State Offers $15M Reward for DarkSide Ransomware Information


The US government is determined to track down and prosecute the individuals behind DarkSide.
The US government is so keen to track down the individuals behind the DarkSide ransomware, there’s now $15 million in reward money up for grabs. The US Department of State this week introduced two rewards. The first is for up to $10 million in return for „information leading to the identification or location of any individual(s) who hold(s) a key leadership position in the DarkSide ransomware variant transnational organized crime group.“ The second is for up to $5 million in return for „information leading to the arrest and/or conviction in any country of any individual conspiring to participate in or attempting to participate in a DarkSide variant ransomware incident.

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