Start United States USA — Science 'F–k Biden' Sign Sparks Argument at Veterans Day Ceremony, Two Detained

'F–k Biden' Sign Sparks Argument at Veterans Day Ceremony, Two Detained


One of the men faces up to a year in prison for a disorderly conduct charge after trying to cover up the banner.
Two men left a Virginia Veterans Day ceremony with a citation and summons after they got into a disagreement over one of the men’s „F–k Biden“ sign. Virginia Capitol Police detained two men on Thursday, citing one of them with parking in a two-away zone and hitting the other with a summons for disorderly conduct. Both were allowed to leave on their own accord, although additional charges could be filed against one of them. Ronald Hedlund,60, arrived at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Virginia, shortly after a Veterans Day ceremony began. Hedlund drove his pickup truck over a sidewalk and parked in a banned area near the base of the memorial amphitheater, the Virginia Capitol Police told Newsweek. On the bed of his truck, Hedlund displayed a banner that said, „F–k Biden,“ in reference to President Joe Biden. Biden, whose son Beau served in the military, attended Veterans Day services at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, about 100 miles away.

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