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Manchin did Biden a favor in defeating Build Back Better


You know that old tale about the guy stranded on a rooftop during a flood who beseeches God to rescue him?
A neighbor in a …

You know that old tale about the guy stranded on a rooftop during a flood who beseeches God to rescue him? A neighbor in a rowboat comes and offers to rescue him. “No, I’ve asked God to save me,” the man says. Then a police boat makes the same offer, and he gives the same reply. Finally, a helicopter arrives, same response. The flood claims the man and, when he gets to heaven, he berates the Almighty: “I had faith in you, but you didn’t save me. You let me drown. Why?” God says: “What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter for you. What more do you want?” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) may not be on a rescue mission from God, but the Democrats would be wise to see him that way. On Sunday, Manchin told Fox News’ Bret Baier that he was a no vote on President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan. The response from the White House and Democrats was one of poorly contained fury and unbridled panic. It was a blow to the future of “democracy” and the death of Biden’s domestic agenda and perhaps his presidency. A lot of this outrage is premised on the same misreading of political reality that led the Democrats to push the plan in the first place. When Biden was elected, the Democrats gained only one Senate seat and the GOP was expected to retain control of the Senate. But Donald Trump’s meddling in two Georgia run-offs handed two seats and nominal control of a tied Senate to the Democrats.

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