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MSA as a Project


MSA, or microservice architecture, has established itself as a great purpose for building services for several years. Here’s how to implement MSA.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Have you ever heard of such a strange thing as “ MSA as a Project”? You look at the title and ask, „What nonsense is this?“ MSA, which is abbreviated as Microservice Architecture, has established itself as a great purpose for building services for several years. And in the future, the name may change and remain popular. Maybe. Many companies’ development organizations are attempting MSA, but to be more general, there is a difference in the way MSA is solved. Let’s take our favorite quiz as an example. (There are two answers.) If we can afford it, we can take our time and enjoy the process. However, in the case of business, things may be a little different. Like someone else, they check the answer first, understand the solution process, and look at the problem again. Yes, implementing MSA can be like this. Outsourcing intent: However, as the digital transformation flow and IT capabilities become important to the industry, the IT system turns to insourcing again. Insourcing intent: The difference comes from these two roots. Let’s take two simple scenarios that come to mind. Shall we take a look at the flow of insourcing? The IT organization’s goals and incentives have to overcome a situation of disparate dependence on opposing teams.

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