Start United States USA — mix Russia vs Ukraine + Ontario crackdown on truckers = Wall Street Crash

Russia vs Ukraine + Ontario crackdown on truckers = Wall Street Crash


Canada’s protesting truckers in Ottawa, Ontario and the Russia vs Ukraine soap opera = Wall Street Crash and totalitarian tragedy.
Cartoon by Branco. Reproduced with permission and by arrangement with Comically Incorrect. See link below article. WASHINGTON – Negative headlines — which, in the current fake news environment are ALWAYS negative — now prove far more dangerous to stocks than disappointing earnings or nasty-looking charts. Look no further than this past Friday’s miserable stock market nosedive. Why? More negative news on Canada’s increasing tilt against its demonstrating truckers in Ontario and elsewhere as Canadian PM Justin Castreau ramps up his drive to embrace Klaus Schwab-style globalist totalitarianism. Then there’s that Russia vs Ukraine mess, which, we’re assured by the breathless media blabbermouths, will erupt into war. Soon. Both ongoing political charades resemble kabuki theater productions. They indicate yet again that the US, Canada and the West in general have begun their Long March toward a horrible new reality. The harmonic convergence of these two developing catastrophes resulted in a horrendous Wall Street Crash Friday. Of course, spiking interest rates didn’t help. But that family budget-busting story isn’t immediately threatening to the pols and their media shills. So let’s get to today’s main market story lines. That business network’s top Friday headline screamed: “Stocks slid on Friday as increased tensions between Ukraine and Russia sent oil spiking and led investors to dump risky assets like equities. “Shares were mostly flat on the day until Ukraine-related headlines in afternoon trading caused traders to dump stocks and buy Treasuries. “The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite fell nearly 3%, while the S&P 500 was down 2.1%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 527 points, or 1.5%. “Stocks moved sharply lower in afternoon trading after a jump in oil prices that appeared to be tied to increased concerns about Russia taking military action against Ukraine. “With about 2 hours left to the trading day, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said at a White House briefing that there were signs of Russian escalation at the Ukraine border and that it was possible that an invasion could take place during the Olympics, despite speculation to the contrary. “Both the U.S. and U.K. have called for their citizens to leave Ukraine as soon as possible.” This Russia vs Ukraine stuff is pretty scary, eh? Particularly since both we, our adversaries and pretty much anyone around the world with a TV set or a radio knows by now that the US is currently run by a headless, multiparty Marxist-globalist junta. It’s allegedly run by our current, empty-headed excuse of a falsely elected “president.” The current White House Resident’s once-and-future opponent, Vlad “The Impaler” Putin is not a nice guy. But he’s not a fool. He can see a clear road ahead for reviving, bit by bit, all the territory the old Soviet Union lost when its weak, Biden-like, octenagarian-centric bureaucracy suddenly collapsed overnight. Now, he sees, it may be America’s turn to collapse just as quickly. Meanwhile, the Europeans are assuming their usual supine position toward Russia. Castreau’s Canada, Maoist dominated Australia and a New Zealand debilitated by the cavalier ineptitude of their Wicked Witch PM are all run by pandemic-crazed monsters seeking complete control of their Deplorables. Now add America completely lawless rump bureacracy, save for those doltish Obama retreads running Joe “Robbie the Robot” Biden. And, well, why not invade Ukraine. The West will bravely yell and scream, but as usual, they’ll do little to nothing concrete. So what, Vlad worry? Back home here in the Divided States of America, mass quantities of overpaid, Washington-based clowns have resumed setting America and Americans back on the Road to Oblivion, irrelevancy, and an untried but new, exciting offshoot of Feudalism. That journey had begun under Barack Hussein Obama, America’s first Marxist president. And it would have been in its final stages now if that charlatan, Donald Trump, hadn’t been elected over the world’s smartest woman. But now, with Obama and his minions effectively manning the central control room, their long-delayed end-game is in progress. Soon, our betters and our enemies get to tell us what to do. All the time. Or else. A true workers’ paradise is at hand. All of this is why Putin may actually invade Ukraine, maybe sooner rather than later. Or maybe Wednesday this week. And why not? He wants his Russian Empire back. What better time to do it than when most Western governments are far more interested in seeing how much totalitarianism they can get away with because Covid and stuff.

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