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How Much Does It Cost to Create a Flutter App in 2022?


As cross-platform app development is becoming a more practical and adaptable solution, the demand for Flutter development is rising with every passing day.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Due to Google’s unwavering support and developer’s confidence in the language, cross-platform app development is increasingly becoming a primary approach by all top mobile app development companies today. Yet the concept of app development using Flutter is new to the market. Especially the app development cost and why one should opt for the same. Let’s start with the basics. Flutter is a single codebase tech that was introduced to create multiple apps for desktop, web, and mobile platforms. The framework has been developed by Google and is a complete SDK as compared to its competitors. And apart from the fact that it made it to the market way later than its competitor React Native. But how is flutter app development budget-friendly? A common question from almost all clients. Well, firstly because it allows you to create two apps using a single codebase which saves a lot of time and hard work that comes with writing dual code for different platforms. Many IT experts coin Flutter as the future of cross-platform app development. One shouldn’t consider Flutter as a library of frameworks but rather a software development kit (SDK). Flutter accelerates the app development process while offering other benefits like cost-effectiveness, stellar performance, and more. Let’s learn some of the prominent reasons why one should choose Flutter over other frameworks. The framework fosters fast app development primarily as it uses the „hot reload“ feature. Due to this, modifications in the code normally take a few milliseconds to reflect and allow developers to build apps at a quick pace. Flutter has an extensive library from where one can choose their desired widgets and modify them to create similar apps for both iOS and Android. You can create similar app versions as the widgets look and feel the same across different platforms.

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