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Turns out the bright red Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is a big disappointment


Lots of Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra users have written in to tell us that the red version of the phone actually isn’t great.
A few days ago I wrote an article about the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, singing the praises of an incredible-looking red version that Samsung had hidden away as an exclusive on its website. „It’s so much better-looking than all the other shades“ I wrote in my gushing article on the phone, praising its „warm and energetic feel.“ I wanted one. Well, apparently, I was completely wrong. Passionate Samsung fans have reached out to let me know: the bright red Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra isn’t actually that red after all. After my Galaxy article went live, lots of people who’d bought the red phone wrote in to let me know their feelings on it (if you wrote in, thanks for reaching out – we got so many commenters that we couldn’t respond to them all, but we appreciate it!). Nearly every email we received was from someone who’d bought the device, writing to communicate their disappointment at how the phone looks in real life.

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