Start United States USA — software Firefox releases version 100

Firefox releases version 100


Kinda sorta. It’s out there if you look hard enough
The Mozilla Foundation has released version 100 of its flagship web browser Firefox. There’s no link in the above paragraph because, strangely, at the time of writing, the new browser is not officially mentioned anywhere on Mozilla’s website. However, you can download it from Mozilla: it’s already on the foundation’s FTP site. You can choose between versions for macOS, and both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux. If you’re not into the flat look of recent versions of Windows, it will run on Windows 7 too, but you will need to install the official Microsoft update KB4474419 first. (Yes, Mozilla’s support site does concede that the new version exists.) The biggest change is an extra digit in the version number. Version 100 is not an extended support release – the next one of those is currently planned to be version 102 next June.

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