Start United States USA — Science Major baby formula plants went uninspected because of COVID

Major baby formula plants went uninspected because of COVID


U.S. regulators have historically inspected baby formula plants at least once a year, but they did not inspect any of the three biggest manufacturers in 2020, according to federal records.
U.S. regulators have historically inspected baby formula plants at least once a year, but they did not inspect any of the three biggest manufacturers in 2020, according to federal records. When the feds finally did get inside an Abbott Nutrition formula plant in Michigan after a two-year gap, they found standing water and lax sanitation procedures. But inspectors offered only voluntary suggestions to fix the problems, and issued no formal warning. Inspectors returned five months later after four infants who consumed powdered formula from the plant suffered bacterial infections. They found bacterial contamination in the factory, leading to a four-month shutdown and turning a festering supply shortage into a full-blown crisis that sent parents scrambling to find formula and forced the U.

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