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Outside the funeral, a community united in awe of the queen


Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was by all accounts a somber and stately affair. But to many in the crowd outside Westminster Abbey, it was made joyous by the company of others and a sense that they had done all they could to thank the late monarch.
A sizable crowd — though smaller than many said they had expected — set up camp and staked out spots along the area to say a final farewell to the queen and see the pageantry with their own eyes.
Those who hadn’t slept there overnight showed up early in the morning with cameras and coffee cups in hand. Some were wearing T-shirts honoring the queen, several were dressed up in suits, dresses and hats.
It was every person for themselves when it came to getting a good view; people defended their spots along the sidewalk and atop concrete walls with ferocity. Other than that, it was a community united — in their awe of the queen’s service, in the elaborate send-off or both.
Many said that, besides catching a glimpse of the queen’s casket during the procession, the highlight of their experience was the sense of unity and sharing the moment with people who were all there for the same reason, regardless of their other differences.
Sally Parr, who watched the proceedings from a rolling office chair she’d gotten from her son’s nearby flat, said the best thing about her day was talking to people and making new friends even if she never saw them again.
„It was just a really pleasant, nice, everybody looking out for everybody, friendly, happy atmosphere, except when the queen went past when we all got very solemn,“ she added.

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