Start United States USA — China H.R. McMaster: ‘I Think Xi Jingping Is Preparing the Chinese People for...

H.R. McMaster: ‘I Think Xi Jingping Is Preparing the Chinese People for War’


During an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster predicted China under Xi Jinping would move on Taiwan, adding that he viewed the Chinese dictator as preparing his people “for war.”
“It’s a grave threat,” McMaster said. “I think Xi Jinping means what he says, right? I think we have to be careful not to mirror image, not to fall into the same traps as we did with Vladimir Putin of confirmation bias and optimism bias. Xi Jinping has made quite clear in his statements that he’s going to make, from his perspective, China whole again by subsuming Taiwan.

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